Thursday, April 14, 2011

what is 6 almost 7?...

6 almost 7 is tiring...
its defiant...
its incredibly sincere...
also very cheeky...

I am not sure that I am enjoying 6 almost 7...

its pushing the boundaries...
its physical and boystress...
its learning to read..
and write and spell...

its learning the art of compromise...
and to share with siblings...
its fitting into the middle of the family...
its being the little brother...
and the big brother...

its destructive...
and creative...
its hard work...
but so very rewarding...

at times its seems like I am doing it all wrong...
its a warm cuddle and kind words that make it all seem right...

its one of our boys!  XO

Thursday, April 7, 2011

sweet baby girl...

For those of you that know me, and my beautiful family, will know my precious girl "Lilla". Not that I want to boast or anything, but she is really such a wonderfully, thoughtful, human being and we are so very proud!!! Just tonight when my patience was frayed by our darling 3 1/2 yo, she took him and got his night nappy on, made a bed for his pretend guinea pig, filled his drink bottle with water, tucked him in, and turned out his light... She then came to me and said, "oh he is just so cute Mum", you would have been proud, he even used his manners and said "Thank you for making my guinea pig his bed". "But you need to say good night".
Of course I need to say goodnight, so off I go, and there is our beautiful boy sound asleep!
She is only 8 years old, but so amazing and has such a sweet heart. I mean, what 8yo realises that her Mum is exhausted and could do with a hand, well ours does. It's hard to believe that in only 8 short years she has developed into such a kind, compassionate, caring person.
I know as Mothers, it's very easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you are not doing a very good job, especially at times when you are tired and have no idea how to handle the next wave of situations that children can throw at you. Well this is one of the opposite moments where we can stop and look at the amazing little people that we have helped to shape. Again, she will have no idea of how she helps to support me... LOVE to you Lilla, I hope you know that I love you all the way to the moon and back!!! XO

home sweet home...

After what has seemed like an eternity, our new home is finally complete!! Complete with us that is, and we are loving it here... We are surrounded by cardboard boxes and stuff, you know how we just collect stuff? Well we must have done some collecting at some point, cos I can assure you there is something in these boxes!
We are mostly sorted and the kids are settling in just great, actually it's as though we have always been here with the kids. For me it's kind of surreal, I keep thinking that I will need to go home soon, but no, not so LOVE...
We have so much work to do in the garden, well actually we need to create a garden first!! I will endeavour to get some pics happening and that way, you too can enjoy the progress!! Gotta go, my beautiful new walls await me...
Night Night XO