Monday, February 28, 2011

what's in a pic...

OK, so I have purchased a new laptop and have decided that it's time I learnt about taking awesome pics, because I do have some of the most amazing subjects around me 24/7 of course! OK so we have this pretty cool digital SLR a Nikon to be precise... Have not a bloomin' clue how to really use it, and at this point I really have never used it to it's full potential. I have only had success using the manual focus... yes I know, I can hear you laughing, but my new project, slowly but surely is to get better behind the camera!! I started by taking a few shots with no editing, really because I had no idea how to use the software that we now own...

Here they are;

"Dusty Elroy" doing cute exceptionally well but then again I may be slightly biased!

And Claye and Dusty just so sweet and not just fun to shoot, well not literally of course, but I felt such a huge sense of pride watching my biggest boy with my smallest boy!

OK, so the plan is to learn not only to capture, but to edit and capture with knowledge... So lets see how I go???
Anyway I must sleep before Bubs wakes and needs a drink!
Sweet ones to you x

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