Monday, February 28, 2011

what's in a pic...

OK, so I have purchased a new laptop and have decided that it's time I learnt about taking awesome pics, because I do have some of the most amazing subjects around me 24/7 of course! OK so we have this pretty cool digital SLR a Nikon to be precise... Have not a bloomin' clue how to really use it, and at this point I really have never used it to it's full potential. I have only had success using the manual focus... yes I know, I can hear you laughing, but my new project, slowly but surely is to get better behind the camera!! I started by taking a few shots with no editing, really because I had no idea how to use the software that we now own...

Here they are;

"Dusty Elroy" doing cute exceptionally well but then again I may be slightly biased!

And Claye and Dusty just so sweet and not just fun to shoot, well not literally of course, but I felt such a huge sense of pride watching my biggest boy with my smallest boy!

OK, so the plan is to learn not only to capture, but to edit and capture with knowledge... So lets see how I go???
Anyway I must sleep before Bubs wakes and needs a drink!
Sweet ones to you x

Friday, February 25, 2011

roller coaster...

So at 5am I am woken by Tully all upset with a very sore ear... My poor baby has been suffering from ear infections for nearly all his little short life, and they are so debilitating for him. So back to the docs for some more antibiotics! I just hate having to feed the kids antibiotics, but there was no other choice this time.
So with the Doctors all done, we head off to the Chemist, and Tully decides he would feel better if we went to Nan and Pa's... Ran into our lovely friend at the Chemist and had some much needed chit chat, off to the bakery and then to Nan's...
Saw Auntie Vik and her horse Dolly, which was nice and Tully was a wonderful help for her. He also got to see Pa's 6 piglets and Doris the mama pig... Wow they are growing so fast! So back to school to get the kiddies and home again, home again jiggity jig!
I have no idea where all the time goes, but I must have sprung a leak somewhere, cos' I seem to be losing hours each day...
And so the roller coaster will take it's next passengers tomorrow...
Tootles X

Thursday, February 24, 2011

how much coffee is really consumed?...

I have no idea how many coffees in one day that I really make or drink for that matter??? I find myself making a cup, getting side tracked, re-heating it and then getting side tracked and then tipping it down the sink.... Is this normal?? I hear you say, "yep I do that too". I am hearing you say that aren't I??? I have already done that about 3 times today... and then there is a rush on requests for hot chocolates, alright I will stop now, but I just thought I would put it out there... Cuppa anyone? lol

day to day...

I really should not be sitting here tapping away on the keyboard, when the sun is shining so brightly outside!! But I have a new toy, called a laptop, and it's the first one I have ever owned, so it's all fun and exciting!
Kids have been a little snotty of late and Tully has a shocking cough, but it seems to be getting better.. Dusty is still amazing me with how Sweet he is... He is rolling over all the time now and is trying to eat everything in sight, particularly his toes. LOVE. Lillie is preparing to do her Reconciliation and is very excited to be a part of it all. Claye is settling back into School and seems to have made some nice new friends... Cors, well actually Cory is fast asleep on the couch and snoring his head off!!!! Me, on the other hand is feeling exhausted with all the things we have going on right now... Our house is only a matter of weeks away from being complete, so trying to arrange all of the final things is tedious and time consuming..... After much deliberation we have decided to Baptise all of the kiddies, so the 13th of March it is... Reconciliation for Lil, and workshops is the 31st March.... This date is also my beautiful but snoring husbands and my 10th wedding anniversary, so I must plan something nice to do together to celebrate!! And to fit in Dancing classes, Ballet, Tap and Jaz to be precise, swimming lessons for the 3 older kids and health centre visits.... arghhhh busy times...
Finally last night I downloaded Skye and spoke with our gorgeous niece Maddison who has been in France for 1 month on Saturday, so she tells me... Poor kid is struggling with the language and difference in culture, not to mention homesickness right now! But is was lovely to see her last night. My lovely friend Casey is emailing her weekly which I just found out, so that is very sweet! You have got to love a good mate.
I have so much in my head that I have forgotten what I was typing about......
Well I hear my little man waking, so its off to get some lovin', Dusty that is, just read that sentence and it sounded not quite right knowing that I had mentioned that Cory was asleep too!! he he he  OK so I really had better go as Tully has found his favourite thing also by the sounds of things...... WATER!!
Love & Bliss for this sun shiny day! XO

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

date day...

Well maybe not date day all day, but went out for lunch with my beautiful husband and Dusty. LOVE. The sun has been shining and the skies are blue, could not really ask for much more. Lillie started back at Ballet after 2 years off and is absolutely loving it, but the commitment, well I am not so sure if I am crazy or what's up there. It's 3 hours a week! Add that to swimming lessons for all and then Nippers... Funny too, because I am not a believer in too many extra curricular activities, but hey when they love it, they love it, and when they are happy, so are we!
Claye has no additional activities right now other than swimming and Nippers, but he has been so delightful over the last couple of months. Just tonight he cleaned up all of the dishes after dinner and then cleaned down the table and put away our washing, all without being asked, such a refreshing change from being a nagging Mama. Well got to rush, have 3 asleep and am off for a walk in the beautiful night air...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

just today...

For the 1st time in 7 weeks, I spent the day with my beautiful baby boy Dusty! It was just bliss and so is he. He is at the most wonderful age, interacting with the family in his own way, giggling and smiling... Oh and that smile, it's amazing how a smile from your own baby can reduce you to tears in an instant... I love it how he gazes into my eyes, his eyes light up and his whole chubby cheeked face smiles... LOVE
I will never grow tired of looking at my childrens' eyes, so full of mischief and wonder, just so lucky to be chosen as their Mama!
Today I surrendered to some much needed R & R with my smallest boy!